
Leasing Lessons from the Elf on the Shelf

With the Elf on the Shelf slowly coming to an end, one can't help but notice some similarities between staying on top of the antics of the elf and effectively leasing. I know what you're thinking, how can a children's Christmas activity help me reduce my vacancy rates? Well let's take a look at two main similarities between this Christmas tradition and leasing.


Getting up early to move the elf

Every parent involved in setting up the elf knows the importance of getting up early enough to give yourself time to move the elf and set the scene. This is done most efficiently when you have a few ideas already banked for where or what the elf will be doing for the next few days.

The same goes for leasing agents. In order to be prepared to perform for your prospects in a professional and organized manner, you must put the work in before they arrive. This could be as simple as arriving 10-15 minutes early or scheduling showings 10-15 minutes later than usual. This gives you time to do a sweep of your show suite to ensure the lights are on, the suite is aired out, dusted, and vacuumed. This also gives you time to walk your route and ensure that there is no garbage on the path you take your prospects.

You never want to be the parent who has to see the disappointment on their child's face when they realize the elf wasn't moved. Treat your property with the same effort and motivation.


Putting the elf in creative locations and scenarios

The most fun part of the Elf on the Shelf is seeing the elf in unique scenarios. Spending a few extra minutes adding additional touches to his/her environment will pay dividends when your children light up with excitement and intrigue. Just moving the elf from one location to another will become tiresome and boring. A small amount of creativity can go a long way. Looking online at other people's ideas can provide some inspiration to up your elf's game.

Seeing the same layout of your building everyday can result in you becoming blind to potential improvements. If you've ever taken a walk around a neighbouring property, you will probably notice many things around the property that the leasing agent never has before, and vice versa. To expand your perspective on your property, consider touring other buildings or inviting other leasing agents over to take tours of yours. You may find simple improvements that you hadn't even noticed before.

When it comes to putting the elf in creative scenarios, you should look to put a creative spin on your prospects experience as well. This could range from anything involving your leasing office, to the layout of your show suite, to the tour itself. You could stock a mini fridge in your office with snacks to offer prospects while they tour your property. Or you may want to look into marking out where potential furniture could go in a bedroom with painter's tape on the floor. This will help the prospects who sometimes have difficultly visualizing their furniture actually fitting somewhere. These are just 2 very simple examples that will create a more memorable experience.

When you begin to incorporate your personal touch into both the elf and your leasing, the kids and the prospects both subconsciously begin looking forward to the next encounter.


Let us know if you can find any other similarities between the Elf on the Shelf and leasing. For more property management content, follow our social media linked below!

                                                                                                                        Big enough to serve you…small enough to know you